We have summarised some important information in FAQs for you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us personally at any time.

We look forward to your visit!

Questions and answers - We summarise for you.

Is there WLAN on the exhibition/congress grounds?

Free WLAN use for conference participants is of course provided.

Is the exhibition/congress site barrier-free?

All relevant information on accessibility on our premises can be found here. 

Are there technical service providers in the house or can you bring your own service providers?

We have technical service providers with whom we work and who know our halls very well.
However, you can also bring your own technical service providers.

Hanging points may only be installed by our technical service providers and can then be approved by your technical service provider.

Is it possible to bring food and drinks/catering?

The catering is provided by cateringmanufaktur (a brand of Kongress Dortmund GmbH).
Contact persons are Dominik Schön and Goran Randjelovic from cateringmanufaktur.

No food or drinks may be brought in without prior arrangement.
If an external caterer is to be brought in, a corkage fee will be charged.

What information is available on parking facilities on site?

We have 8,800 parking spaces available around our premises. The daily rate is a maximum of € 9.00 gross.

There are also two e-charging stations available nearby. Please refer to your respective provider for costs and exact locations.

What connections are there to the public transport system?

Detailed travel information can be found here. 

Are dogs and/or similar pets allowed?

Animals may not be brought into the halls, with the exception of assistance animals as defined by the Disability Equality Act. Exceptions will be announced separately. However, it is prohibited in any case to allow animals to roam freely.

Do events take place during BVB Bundesliga home games?

Even if BVB is playing a home match at the neighbouring Signal Iduna Park, planned events will take place at our venue as usual.

As a rule, there may be an increased volume of traffic, which you should take into account when travelling to the venue.

Is the exhibition/congress site barrier-free?

All relevant information on accessibility on our premises can be found here. 

What hotels are there nearby?

The Mercure Hotel Dortmund Messe has a capacity of 139 rooms.
You can find more information here.

Other hotels are within walking distance.